If you could make a coupon, what would it be for?
We all know that coupons are to be redeem on certain products with minimum purchases. However, if you had a choice to make a coupon for anything in this world, what would it be?
Some may say "I'd make a coupon to end world hunger or begin world peace." Or something very diplomatic to that effect.
But in this very moment, I'd create a coupon that would redeem Jeremy Meeks. Mr. Meeks, who is one fine specimen of a man; chiseled cheeks, piercing eyes-- the works, has hard a hard life.
In fact, he's a harden criminal with several felonies under his belt. But just one look at the man makes you in awe of his beauty. I was told that life treats the young and beautiful kind, but there are always exceptions, I guess.
I'm not the only one who shares these sentiments. Just yesterday, Mr. Meeks garnered over 60,000 comments on the Stockton Police Department's official Facebook page.
Many women were baffled as to why he would commit to a life a crime given his drop dead gorgeous looks.
But environment shapes everything.
So what do you think?
And am I so wrong for fawning over this man who is so obviously dangerous?
Howdy! trust you have an extraordinary day! This is incredibly valuable, bless your heart! 'd make a coupon to end world craving or start world harmony." Or something strategic with that impact.CouponsPoket